Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Wars have been fought, humans maimed, whole villages burnt and a host of other atrocities perpetrated by men on men in a quest to control natural resources, strategic ports, forests, lakes, rivers etc. The value of such resources cannot be over emphasized; history has proven this point beyond doubts.
Daily, the sun outpours quanta of solar energy on the earth’s surface. This energy is used by plants in the process of photosynthesis to make food; it warms up the seas and lands, thus creating wind and ocean currents; and much more. In addition, the earth provides us with land, air, oceans, rivers, lakes, and all these are habitats for plants, animals and other life forms.
A primal resource is a physical tangible base that can be used, made to provide assistance or made more useful in any respect.
The defining characteristic of primal resources is their physical-ness and tangibility. They are physical in that they exhibit qualities that can be measured using physical means.

Examples of primal resources include Electricity, Natural Resources, Minerals, Land, Space, Air, Food, Fuel, Oceans, and Sunlight etc.
  • Versatility: This is the extent to which the primal resource can be used or made to provide assistant in different ways.
  • Portability: This is the degree of easiness to which the primal resource or its part can be moved from one physical location to another.
  • Stableness: This is the extent to which the resource will maintain its form and substance under natural (living) conditions.

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